Borrowing a few lines of lyrics from the very famous Frozen song "Let It go" for the current events in India:
As the leader has cries of "Make in India", the Aero show has a good display across the skies in Namma Bengaluru:
I am one with the wind and sky
While the other "gripping" issue being roasted before the summer sets in, the makers of AIB thinking:
"I don't care
what they're going to say
Let it go , Let it go....
The women, on realising that nothing much is being done towards women safety or empowerment say : "Let it go.."
The criminals who know they can break or not even bother about the consequences say : "Let it go.."
The politicians who wait for the next vote bank gathering speeches, treating such issues as trivial say : "Let it go.."
The fervour the government to slash electricity bills for Delhi cannot supersede the safety of the citizens.
The CCTV cameras that refused to set up towards a safer city, only needed a very famous visit to come up overnight and watch over the city.
How a woman has uncertain fears during every day of a normal life. How nice if these lines are true:
" It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!
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