One of my colleagues once stated matter of factly that women DO NOT need a reason to shop.
I protested, but didnt have much support. Well, to have a reason to shop came by a few days later.
Christmas celebrations in office saw a couple of stalls set up by a non profit organisation in the city.
Namma Angadi (meaning "Our shop" literally translated from Kannada) is a collective marketing network for traditional craft persons of Karnataka. An initiative of the Concerned For Working children, the network assists the craft persons to visualise a future for their traditional skills.
The Namma Angadi has an impressive product profile very reasonably priced.
Smart move for me to have bought the floral print kurta and the neatly stitched cloth bags.
To ensure that I had a "reason" to shop (for a "good reason"), I gifted fellow "non-reasonable" shoppers with these nice bags too.
Happy shopping people.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Look , hear .
Few favourites from Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)
"First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb into his skin and walk around it."
You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don't you let 'em get your goat. Try fightin' with your head for a change.
"People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for."
"First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb into his skin and walk around it."
You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don't you let 'em get your goat. Try fightin' with your head for a change.
"People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for."
Sunday, September 26, 2010
the silver lining
On a busy working weekend, I was pulling through and and working off a rough day at office on the Saturday.
Tensed and equally tired towards evening, I stretched back in my chair and glanced towards the window. I was surprised and happy that I was able to still appreciate the evening skies. I saw the dark clouds and the silver lining. Sitting in the office space on a weekend was indicative of the dark clouds though the silver lining wasnt anywhere in sight ,I thought to myself.
In difficut times, usually stressed out, we forget to notice anything on the brighter side.
In one of a workshops I attended, I remember disctinctly the speaker bringing out the fact that when things are going well with us, we usually want to believe that something unpleasant is expected!!(Since so long things are going fine).
But when things are not going our way, do we stop to think and hope to have better times ahead?
Well, the silver lining gave me hope and I am looking forward to next Happy fridays, lazy weekends and Monday office blues!
Tensed and equally tired towards evening, I stretched back in my chair and glanced towards the window. I was surprised and happy that I was able to still appreciate the evening skies. I saw the dark clouds and the silver lining. Sitting in the office space on a weekend was indicative of the dark clouds though the silver lining wasnt anywhere in sight ,I thought to myself.
In difficut times, usually stressed out, we forget to notice anything on the brighter side.
In one of a workshops I attended, I remember disctinctly the speaker bringing out the fact that when things are going well with us, we usually want to believe that something unpleasant is expected!!(Since so long things are going fine).
But when things are not going our way, do we stop to think and hope to have better times ahead?
Well, the silver lining gave me hope and I am looking forward to next Happy fridays, lazy weekends and Monday office blues!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Circle of life
Hello there friend on the other side of the screen,
If a philosophical article was expected from the title of the post, excuse the deviation.
Its only during unexpected times - good times and mostly the trying times that we come across the rare few . It is with the strength from the support of this circle that we can survive the extreme and trying situations.
Support comes from unexpected directions and also unexpectedly, it is not always from the direction we expect it from.
I find these few people to be the connecting dots in the circle of life .
**the dots needn't match one another - circle consists of a combination of immediate family, distant relatives, friends, acquaintances.
**the dots needn't match YOU - each one of the dots may have a different outlook ; some of the dots may be totally different personalities. (Whoever said "Birds of a feather..."!!?)
**the dots needn't always be there to prove presence, but you are always inside the comfort of the circle.
Its not 'in spite of' the differences, but 'for' the differences that the circle is a thing of beauty .
To all in my circle of life, trust to be a little dot in your circle of life too.
Take time to discover these dots and form your circle - find those few who matter to you and the few to whom you matter.
If a philosophical article was expected from the title of the post, excuse the deviation.
Its only during unexpected times - good times and mostly the trying times that we come across the rare few . It is with the strength from the support of this circle that we can survive the extreme and trying situations.
Support comes from unexpected directions and also unexpectedly, it is not always from the direction we expect it from.
I find these few people to be the connecting dots in the circle of life .
**the dots needn't match one another - circle consists of a combination of immediate family, distant relatives, friends, acquaintances.
**the dots needn't match YOU - each one of the dots may have a different outlook ; some of the dots may be totally different personalities. (Whoever said "Birds of a feather..."!!?)
**the dots needn't always be there to prove presence, but you are always inside the comfort of the circle.
Its not 'in spite of' the differences, but 'for' the differences that the circle is a thing of beauty .
To all in my circle of life, trust to be a little dot in your circle of life too.
Take time to discover these dots and form your circle - find those few who matter to you and the few to whom you matter.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Epistle from the street.
A letter from the streets, by the streets and about the streets:
There was a notable event on July 5th 2010 in India:
Opposition parties united to call for a nation wide strike.
It was a nation wide "bandh" called by the opposition parties to oppose rise in prices of commodities ..(or was it in opposition to the ruling party actually??!)
There was a notable event on July 5th 2010 in India:
Opposition parties united to call for a nation wide strike.
It was a nation wide "bandh" called by the opposition parties to oppose rise in prices of commodities ..(or was it in opposition to the ruling party actually??!)
If this was towards the goal of making life less difficult for citizens, well...I'm not too sure.
Going by the newspaper reports, the cost/loss incurred on this day was somewhere between 3 to 5 crores in Rupees .Well, so much for working towards "saving" or thoughtful spending!
But one thing for sure: Thanks to the ruling political party for the rise in prices; Thanks to the opposition parties for the united uproar which didnt last till even sunset on that day.
Me and my friends - otherwise always trodden, traffic laden and jam packed spent a lazy and calm day. Being a road (tarred, or bumped, or pot-holed) in Bengaluru is not an easy life. But on this rainy July day, it was good not to be run over for most part of the day!
HAL Airport road and friends whose names are listed below:
Intermediate ring road,
ITPL road.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Beautiful You, Beautiful Me, Beautiful Mind
Like they say: "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"
Here's how I see it:
The colour I see as nice, pretty and wearable would seem too bright for the person accompanying me in the window shopping spree.
On a day I think to myself I'm feeling okay and looking it too, there's a colleague who asks me if I've had a rough day or why I look tired!
To someone, there is always that some 'one' or some thing that is always beautiful.
On a day when I'm in good spirits, I see the otherwise unnoticed surroundings as a pleasant picture.
Its monsoon now; there have been days when I curse myself for having forgotten the umbrella on the way back from office; In the same breath , there have been certain evenings where I don't want to miss the wind in my hair with the light drizzle of rain!
Is it that beauty really lies in the mind of the beholder!
You there, on the other side of the screen - whats on your mind now? Hope its a beautiful mind.
Here's how I see it:
The colour I see as nice, pretty and wearable would seem too bright for the person accompanying me in the window shopping spree.
On a day I think to myself I'm feeling okay and looking it too, there's a colleague who asks me if I've had a rough day or why I look tired!
To someone, there is always that some 'one' or some thing that is always beautiful.
On a day when I'm in good spirits, I see the otherwise unnoticed surroundings as a pleasant picture.
Its monsoon now; there have been days when I curse myself for having forgotten the umbrella on the way back from office; In the same breath , there have been certain evenings where I don't want to miss the wind in my hair with the light drizzle of rain!
Is it that beauty really lies in the mind of the beholder!
You there, on the other side of the screen - whats on your mind now? Hope its a beautiful mind.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hard day , good night and sweet dreams...
On one of the 'usual' days , I noticed a person who was travelling in the back compartment of a goods van. He was dozing peacefully amongst the huge pile of furniture in the open compartment of the van; I say peacefully, because the vehicle was zipping through the evening rush hour traffic with the sounds of the bleating horns, screeching brakes and screaming drivers.
Wonder how some of us have 'sleepless' nights thanks to our unsolved problems. Or otherwise owe a good night's sleep to a hard day's work.
So a passing thought and a fleeting glance to that peaceful slumber amidst all possible chaos of a perfectly hurried day - To wonder again whether that person had less problems in life or was he through with the day's hard work ?? For all I know, he must have just set out on work .....
Or is it that some of us know just how much and what we can lose sleep on!
Monday, June 7, 2010
On a weekend getaway
Had a chance to spend the weekend in a cottage tucked away among huge trees and coffee plantations. Winding, long and deep was the pebble strewn path that starts from the main road and ends at the gate that brings you to the cottage.
From among the tall trees , this cozy cottage stands elgantly owning the premises that spreads in front.

And lots of plants around provided enough solace for my city struck eyes. The evening sunlight brings out a different hue in the flowers. Take a look.
It was a good eco -recharge!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Here I am
Wide roads lined with machine interventions,
The human race, a common spectacle.
Sprawling houses that echo a silence of the perennial chaos , Of the family outside striving to earn more than yesterday.
Crowded seems the land, where time is scarce, And this an excuse so farce.
Where tree lined roads mark the neighbouring land, Where time is not only for office summons, This timeless land has time to live.
Am I lost .in the crowded hustle or in the serenity of the timeless land.
The human race, a common spectacle.
Sprawling houses that echo a silence of the perennial chaos , Of the family outside striving to earn more than yesterday.
Crowded seems the land, where time is scarce, And this an excuse so farce.
Where tree lined roads mark the neighbouring land, Where time is not only for office summons, This timeless land has time to live.
Am I lost .in the crowded hustle or in the serenity of the timeless land.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Catch phrases
From the first catch phrases flung to us as children to the last, it is a never ending series of shocks that freeze our thoughts :
"Don't ask so many questions"
"Don't argue, Obey"
"Don't try to understand, believe"
"Don't rebel. adjust"
"Don't stand out, belong"
"Don't struggle, compromise"
"Society knows best"
(Quoting from Ayn Rand )
"Don't ask so many questions"
"Don't argue, Obey"
"Don't try to understand, believe"
"Don't rebel. adjust"
"Don't stand out, belong"
"Don't struggle, compromise"
"Society knows best"
(Quoting from Ayn Rand )
Sunday, March 28, 2010
In the pursuit of happiness
“Life is not made up of big deeds and big sacrifices. Life is made up of the simple things and sweet smiles.”
On a Monday morning rush hour, I got into relatively lesser crowded bus where people didn’t need to stand on the foot board. Was happy to have "amassed" a seat right near the door so that I wouldnt need to jostle with others on the way out.
Just at the second stop from there, a passenger limped into the bus.
I thought for a split second about the others seated who would vacate the seat at the same time hoping that there might be a vacant seat elsewhere too, but nevertheless almost on an instinct(after a second!!), I got up to offer the seat to the new passenger.
Moving a couple of steps back I decided to stand, when I noticed the only vacant seat was dusty with a layer of mud and sand. There was an aged person in the adjacent seat who was travelling also for work to the city's market with her straw basket laden vegetables. She gestured and offered to move aside so that I can occupy the seat, but I smiled to her telling that I wouldnt mind standing. Immediately, she wiped away the dust with her hands and instructed me to sit down!
It was an instinctive gesture on her part surely did not involve any thought even for a split second on getting the hands dirty or to look for a tissue or the H1N1!
Its the virtue of the lady towards a complete stranger that still lingers with me ;
Small selfless acts are common among friends and people close to us. And usually our ego wants to remember the deeds making it hardly unselfish.
However, random instances of considerate acts from strangers do make a good thrashing for the ego that needs to appreciate the simple things in life.
In the pursuit of making money and getting things that money can buy, it is important to check that we haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy.
On a Monday morning rush hour, I got into relatively lesser crowded bus where people didn’t need to stand on the foot board. Was happy to have "amassed" a seat right near the door so that I wouldnt need to jostle with others on the way out.
Just at the second stop from there, a passenger limped into the bus.
I thought for a split second about the others seated who would vacate the seat at the same time hoping that there might be a vacant seat elsewhere too, but nevertheless almost on an instinct(after a second!!), I got up to offer the seat to the new passenger.
Moving a couple of steps back I decided to stand, when I noticed the only vacant seat was dusty with a layer of mud and sand. There was an aged person in the adjacent seat who was travelling also for work to the city's market with her straw basket laden vegetables. She gestured and offered to move aside so that I can occupy the seat, but I smiled to her telling that I wouldnt mind standing. Immediately, she wiped away the dust with her hands and instructed me to sit down!
It was an instinctive gesture on her part surely did not involve any thought even for a split second on getting the hands dirty or to look for a tissue or the H1N1!
Its the virtue of the lady towards a complete stranger that still lingers with me ;
Small selfless acts are common among friends and people close to us. And usually our ego wants to remember the deeds making it hardly unselfish.
However, random instances of considerate acts from strangers do make a good thrashing for the ego that needs to appreciate the simple things in life.
In the pursuit of making money and getting things that money can buy, it is important to check that we haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy.
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