Saturday, August 14, 2010

Circle of life

Hello there friend on the other side of the screen,
If a philosophical article was expected from the title of the post, excuse the deviation.

Its only during unexpected times - good times and mostly the trying times that we come across the rare few . It is with the strength from the support of this circle that we can survive the extreme and trying situations.

Support comes from unexpected directions and also unexpectedly, it is not always from the direction we expect it from.

I find these few people to be the connecting dots in the circle of life .
**the dots needn't match one another - circle consists of a combination of immediate family, distant relatives, friends, acquaintances.
**the dots needn't match YOU - each one of the dots may have a different outlook ; some of the dots may be totally different personalities. (Whoever said "Birds of a feather..."!!?)
**the dots needn't always be there to prove presence, but you are always inside the comfort of the circle.

Its not 'in spite of' the differences, but 'for' the differences that the circle is a thing of beauty .
To all in my circle of life, trust to be a little dot in your circle of life too.

Take time to discover these dots and form your circle - find those few who matter to you and the few to whom you matter.

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